It's going to be Ok.
I know how you are feeling, because I am feeling the same way too.
It's the Eve of the Presidential election and almost everyone feels....
Its hard to get a handle on what has happened this past year.
While I was grocery shopping today looked around and suddenly realized what has now become "normal". Everyone was wearing a mask and it was Normal. I had forgotten I had one on.
I watch the news for a few minutes each day and I turn it off. I want to shout at the top of my lungs "STOP!!!"
Can't we just stop?!
But would anyone listen?
I pray and beg God "please".
But I am just me and God is God and HE knows the plan and outcome of all this chaos.
So tomorrow I will exercise my right to vote and I will accept and respect whoever becomes the leader of my beautiful country, We are bruised and battered but we will continue...God willing.
The first line to my post was "It's going to be OK"
Sometimes we have to just keep repeating that to comfort others and ourselves. I say it because I need to believe it.
It will be true.
I virtually hold each and every one of you who may need that hug and assurance and pray along with you.