Friday, October 18, 2013

Artsy Fartsy Friday~~~A New Baby and the Artwork of Belo

      Our awesome neighbors just had a baby. They moved in several years ago and ever since I've known them they have wanted, dreamed of a baby. Earlier this year They announced proudly that the baby they have been waiting for so long was finally on it's way.

A few days ago their dream came true. My husband happened to be outside mowing the grass when our neighbors stepped out of their car carrying their bundle of joy. 

         I remember that feeling well.

               So happy to be home.

                      and a bit scared too.

    I remember the feeling of wanting and promising that I was going to be the best parent ever.

             I didn't want to make any mistakes....of course we all know that that was an impossible task.

                           I remember when my second child was about 7 weeks old 9/11 happened....and I wondered....what kind of world was I bringing him and my daughter into? 

I wanted to make it better for them...safer and cleaner

I guess every parent wants that.

                   This brings me to today's Art by artist Belo.
                         "To raise awareness among the general public about the global clean water crisis, the artist Belo created an image composed of 66,000 cups of colored rainwater simulating levels of impurities found in water all over the planet. This major work of 3,600 square feet, representing a fetus in the maternal womb, emphasizes the necessity of water, even before birth, for each living person." Quoted from You Tube description.

           Truly amazing

                    Have a sweet weekend....and to my dear neighbors ...God Bless and try to get some rest~ it's going to be a heck of a ride from now on!!!!

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Strong and Dependable~~~and a Funny Video Just For Fun

                 Think, is there someone you know that is always there helping?  Are they the "go-to" person? The one that never says "No"? Are they the one that when everyone is running around (like chickens with their heads cut off) They are the voice of reason... the calming force. They are the one who go around asking  "Hey how are you"? and listen when the answer is not a simple "I'm fine." 

            But knowing that this strong dependable person is just that...strong and dependable....sometimes people around them forget that they too may need help....Maybe they too need someone to ask...."Hey, I haven't seen you around everything OK?"

You may be surprised at the answer.


Everyone can use a helping hand at some point...even the strongest person you know.....

  Here is a funny video of a huge Saint Bernard who needs a bit of seems he was able to climb the stairs but not get down.

 His family speak a language I do not understand, but I can guarantee you can guess when the wife says..."You're going to have to carry him"

The Husband, then says  (I'm guessing)..." Carry HIM?" 

This video just cracked me up! Hope you enjoy it too:0)

                  Have an AWESOME day!

Saturday, October 12, 2013

Artsy Fartsy Friday~~~ Romantic Art


Ahhh young love.

              Several months ago I wrote about my daughter and the entrance to the world of dating. 

       Well, they are still together and quite frankly he has turned out to be a very nice young man.

         And what's even better...I know his Mom. Were were both in the PTA together. 

                Both families have the same rules for the kids. 

     They are not allowed to be alone ....ever.

     No movie dates

      When at each other's homes, they cannot hang out in their bedrooms.

                      and when visiting...... Parents have to be home.

So far so good.

 A few weeks ago my daughter  "J" and I were picking up her boyfriend at his home. When He walked out of the house he was carrying a bouquet of flowers.

People, you would have been proud of me. I wanted to OOOOOO and AWWWWW but I knew that would embarrass them. 

He sweetly handed the bouquet to my daughter and she smiled and blushed a bit. Later I found out it was their eighth month "anniversary".

                           Young love......AWWWWWWWW

OK, onto the art video for today. It's is so sweet and self explanatory. Please enjoy today's ART

                               Uploaded to You Tube by: zubair gouna

How's that for romantic!

Have a Sweet Weekend full of wonderful surprises!

   Blessings, Joanne

Tuesday, October 08, 2013

That Rascal Murphy

Murphy's Law~Anything that can go wrong will go wrong

                   Just my luck.

        Murphy has decided to visit and has completely worn out his welcome.

             It started on Sunday when I was running just two minutes late for my daughter's marching band competition. It was 6 dollars a person to get into the field....It was drizzling and quite windy. My hubby, son and I paid our 18 dollars only to find that the band that was leaving the field as we were walking in...was my daughter's!

                               Marching Band With Geese

Then later while on a late night run to the supermarket my debit card was denied and lo and behold I could not find my credit card...that little plastic debt maker was sitting pretty on my bureau at home. I had to ask the cashier to put aside my order so I could race home to get the card. Not too embarrassing....ugh!


On the way home the slight rumble of my car brakes became a scraping noise that could probably be heard for miles. Today we spent 270.00 (sound of credit card groaning) to fix the pads and rotors. 
              Basil hits car

This afternoon the wind howled preparing for a storm (that really never came) my husband and I were out on the field watching my son in his cross country meet. Since there were not many parents there we took it upon our selves to be their cheering section. 

           "Hey, great job guys!"

               "Go Go Go!"


When my son came home I thought he would be pleased that we were there in that windy chilly afternoon cheering them on. Well.......NOOOOOOOOOO. He was embarrassed! He actually said " Hey Mom, could you tone it down a bit when we are on the field.You're loud."

      Tone it down?????

               Oh yeah?


So naturally after all this bad ju ju and nonsense brought about by good old Murphy and his stupid law....

  I'm kicking "Murphy" to the curb 


      ... and looking to Amazon to possibly buy a megaphone.....Tone it down?

                    My son doesn't know it yet but Murphy might make an appearance at his next meet......



Friday, October 04, 2013

Artsy Fartsy Friday---The Art of Mary Doodles

Well hello there...

            and welcome to ARTSY FARTSY FRIDAY!!!!

                       Dance of Joy

OK enough dancing...

                   Recently I found my new favorite Artist. Her name is Mary; she goes by the name Mary Doodles and she is brilliant. She even takes suggestions and makes the coolest works of art. Did you know monsters can be cute?  Come sit and watch her create Monster's tea party.  Enjoy.


                   another from Mary Doodles....


                    Mary making a squiggle into art!


I just love her work....hope you did too.

                       Have a Deliciously creative weekend!

Blessings, Joanne