So, Um... yep......
For months I've tried and thats all I come up with. I've had nothing to write.
This is because so many trying, stressful, sad and disappointing things have happened.
The Disease ..(of which I shall not be named...I'm following Harry Potter's lead) Has cause, devastation, havoc, hatred, turmoil and fear.

We have all lost someone or something.
And when it came to this tiny insignificant blog...I lost my fire for writing.
I just couldn't find anything happy to write about.
I kept waiting for the joy to come back.
Where are you joy?

I waited
I waited after my friend died
I prayed joy for others
I reminisced as I struggled to accept the death of dear friend's beautiful son.
I struggled to remember it as I now take care of my elderly Mom.
Plans have changed for everyone. It's like we're all holding our breath.
Days ago I came to a desicion.
I was not going to wait for joy to knock on my door like a long lost friend.
I was going to find Joy...right where I am.
I was going to find it everyday, anywhere.
Joy may be small, and a struggle to she likes to play hide and seek lately.
I've been tagged "it" (no relations to that scary clown guy)
.....and I will find her.
Today, My joy came from waking up to find that my sink was spotless.
I have been struggling with keeping up on my household and inevitably dishes were left in the sink.
Not today.
Last night I pushed through the weariness I felt and shined that sink like the "Fly Lady" suggests. It was a great feeling.
There, That was a great start.
I know it may not seem like much...but it brought a smile to my face and just writing about it makes me feel good too.
Hey, there might be something to this....
I'm not going to stress out about the "have to's" today. You know what I mean..."The have to's" are all the things we all have to do. I will not dread them. I will instead turn them into me blessing my Mom, my kids and husband.
and when I do that...I feel blessed too.
Where have you found Joy today? Go find're "it"