Friday, March 16, 2012

Artsy Fartsy Friday~~~My First Black and White Painting

This one was a toughie,
              I had to post Art that fit into the theme of  "Firsts"
Then it came to me.

The First black and white painting I ever painted...

As a student I loved working with charcoal . My goal was to sketch something with those black crumbly sticks that had shadow and highlights so perfect that the viewer would forget that they were looking at something that consisted of just shades of black and white.

I tried again this time using acrylic paints and my sweet daughter as my model...she was 11 years old.

     It was early summer nearly sunset and we were at the beach. She had rolled up her jeans. I took her picture and then developed it in black and white. When I did that all those cool shadows and highlights showed up that I might have missed if the picture was in color. I focused on her feet and the cool folds of her rolled up jeans. I also liked the way the rocks were lit by the setting sun.   I thought  "I can make a cool painting from this."

This was one of those paintings that seemed to flow naturally and never frustrate me once. It is one of my favorites. You can make up any story you want for it.

To me its just my little girl standing still for a brief moment...long enough for me to be able to store the moment away for safe keeping. Right after the picture was taken she ran off to explore and collect more rocks.

I hope you enjoyed this week's art.

                     Have an Amazing Weekend!!!

                                              Blessings, Joanne


  1. Wpw! That's beautiful! Thanks for sharing your art, and the process of creating it. I'm going to share that with my daughters.

  2. That's so amazing! I'm always in awe of artistic people. What a fun capture of your daughter. ;-)

  3. Great job! I really like it!

  4. That is very, very nice. You have a great weekend also.

  5. Looks good very interesting it really graps a person or maybe it just graps me either way it's really cool............

  6. I love it! You have great talent. What a treasure this is, and what memories it will always carry.

  7. So beautiful. I think I might have to add that to the list of things I want to try

  8. Wow it really comes alive. Love it. :-D

  9. I have an artist here (my dd) she'll love this. What a gift you have:)

  10. Joanne, that is really did a fantastic job! I love the theme :)

  11. Congratulations! You won the Versatile Blogger award . Stop by my blog to collect.

    By the way.... I LOVE the b&w sketch. You are very good at what you do!!

  12. This is a beautiful picture, you did well.

  13. Oh girlie so beautiful!! I so wish I could draw, I've always dreamed that I could then I try and I get nothing.


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