Wednesday, September 05, 2012

Looking Ugly at the Bank


            So I go to the drive-thru ATM at my bank and of course the machine is out of order...It's always out of order.

I drive around to the front and try to use the ATM just inside the bank.

I punch in my pin number

      politely ask for 40.00

           The ATM says "Sure Sweetie" (not really, but wouldn't it be cool if it did?)

               I prepare for it to hand over forty dollars

                            I wait

                            And wait

Then it tells me "Transaction complete, thank you for stopping by and see ya later"


Wheres the doe ray me?

                The moola?

                   El Dinero?

OK, time to go Old school and actually enter the bank and stand on line

Now I have to write that I was not looking my normal cute self

I looked more like this

It was the first day of school for the kids. I had made sure the kids looked great but I in turn looked like disheveled mess. It was supposed to be a quick get my money and go... I had no intentions of interacting with ...people...

Well dressed, perky, young people

I waited on line and The teller confirmed my fears "Yes, Mam (Ugh when did I become a Mam?) The computer shows that $40 was indeed taken out of your account."

"But where is it?" I ask

"It says you took it out." she answers

"But I don't have it." I insist

"The computer does say that you took out the money."
                                  She's looking at me like I'm

"Tell the computer it's a big fat honking liar!" I say. OK, I am paraphrasing here but you get the gist.

Yada Yada Yada she states again what the computer displays and YadaYada Yada "You'll have to wait to speak to another person."

So I sit.

Opposite me is a lady dressed in a business outfit looking like she was on her way to a very important job.

Then on the other side of me there was a couple that seemed like they were newly new that she probably still shaves her legs often and wears cute nighties to bed 

Then there was me

                     Pitiful, disheveled ME

Again, when I was able to explain to the Representative my plight ...he looked at me as if I may have been lying

We both walked over to the ATM machine and of course the machine did indeed behave.

Which made him look at me incredulously, like I was

So now I have to wait until Thursday to see if there is a discrepancy when they do the ATM count.

Which leads me to think that had I looked a bit more "put together" perhaps they would have helped a bit more; and in turn I would have had the $40 credited right then and there.

All I know Is that the next time I go to the bank I will be more prepared

                                   Wha? too much?


  1. LOL!! Sorry this happened to you. I know it isn't funny but the way you described it is. I hope it gets straightened out!

    1. I hope so too. I kind of regret not sticking around and insisting it get straightened out right then and there

  2. so sorry this happen to you but have to say your version was very entertaining

  3. Sorry about the money :( but this post is hysterical. Thanks for the laughs!

    1. Thanks Debbie...ya gotta laugh in life or else you cry all the time!

  4. I'm glad your sense of humor is intact. I'm afraid I would not have been so nice. It was their error, not yours. I would have insisted they check the drawers for the drive through right then and there. You are too nice. That is a good thing. I'm probably not as nice.

    1. Thanks Sally, I could just kick myself for not staying and insisting they fix it. Tomorrow I will find out. Hopefully they won't give me the run around.

  5. I wonder why they can't back up the cameras and look at them. You always give a humorous presentation.

    1. Oh if tomorrow they don't fix this situation then I will insist that they check the cameras

  6. My mom worked at banks for years. There should be no problem with getting your money back...let us know!

    And funny post:)

    1. Thank Ma, right now I am waiting for them to call me back.

  7. OMG, CUTE CUTE CUTE!!! Funny stuff. I myself am disheveled quite a bit at home AND in public. I hope you get your money back!

  8. This so would happen to me too! I hope they finally just gave it to you but of course that would include having to watch the transaction on camera to remind myself of my crazy look .. lol

    1. LOL!!!!! I hadn't thought of that!!!!! LOL!!! Thanks for the chuckle!

  9. Oh, how frustrating! And doesn't this sort of thing always happen when we are looking less than lovely?



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