Monday, September 03, 2012

Strange Vibe

There was a strange vibe today.

          I noticed all the Moms in church were....smiling

                  Dare I write ...giddy?....Yes GIDDY.

There were a few that were skipping


and others did a bit of a happy dance


In fact there were hugs all around

Why pray tell? and just as I was about to ask... the answer came in a flash

School begins on Tuesday.

Other than December 26th...the first day of school has to rank as one of Mom's favorite days of the year.

              This commercial still cracks me up                        

P.S. As weird as it might seem...I hate the first day of school! I actually miss these stinkers! But if you tell anyone that, I will deny it!


  1. With my kids now at different stages in their education, it seems like either one of the other is on holidays.
    I do like it though when I have the house to myself

  2. The ad was so funny. My kids are grown now and no grandkids so the first day of school comes and goes and I don't even notice. ;-)

  3. LOL this is funny but so true...I always missed them too

  4. yep...I kind of just kind of miss them.

  5. Haha! Too funny! And I have always got a kick out of that commercial. Thank you for sharing it!

  6. Your posts always make me smile. I love the Laurel and Hardy dance.

    I'm guessing your kids will miss you too, but would deny it.

    Be well, Joanne.

  7. I knew where this was headed...but of course there was a twist at the end! I know you miss them but you probably have mixed feelings! I know kids usually love school and spending time with friends! Enjoy your week....sweet hugs!

  8. yep school is officially in session

  9. Oh yes happy dance for this lady .... Finally peace and quiet to work ... lol.


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