I made IT!!! This is the very last day of the A to Z Challenge. I must admit there were times when I thought I could not post...Q and U were hard. Oh and X that was a killer! I want to thank all new followers that have joined up. I hope you come back often. Thank you all!!!
Today...I ask a question about hats. I'm sure most of you have seen part or all (like me) of the royal wedding. and yada yada yada Kate was beautiful yada yada yada so was William. .......though....WHAT WAS UP WITH THOSE HATS!.......people, some of those hats were hideous. That being said....I LOVED THEM!!!!! why don't we have that tradition here?
I think it would be so fun to don a crazy, wacky, zany hat and parade around as if its the most gorgeous thing in the world! So...Saturday's question is... which one of these hats would you have chosen to wear if you had been invited to the royal wedding? Remember hats were a must.
A butterfly hat?
A subtle demure hat that says I'M HERE I'M HERE I'M HERE!!!!
A....oh geeze I just don't know what to say about this one. It is a pretty color?Maybe if the whole front part was smaller? OR GONE!
Huge flowered turban...no worries about a hair style!
Another huge flower on side of pink flower pot.
Blue hat with loose ribbon and lonely blue feather
A black swirl of feathers. I wonder if she sneezed alot during this photo shoot.
Wind swept feather look that would surely tickle the person next to her
UFO hat
Minnie ears
Perfect for Florida weddings hat
I would wear any one of these. They look like alot of fun!
Well that's it for now. I had a blast and this past month was certainly a challenge... and now I'm going to take a little rest. See you all Monday! Have a great weekend! Blessings, Joanne