Monday, August 08, 2011


  I will be away this week  so I leave you with some short posts that I hope you enjoy. I decided on posting some of my favorite clips from Movies and TV.

The first one is from a movie I went to see five times each time taking a different person. Forrest Gump was a movie that really spoke to the child in me that thinks that any person can do great things... even if those great things seem to be really small at the time. Throughout the whole movie he was exposed to great and very sad moments in history, but yet in all his triumphs and sadness the only things that were important to him were family and friends. Now here is a question for you.....

When was the last time you hugged someone like this?




  1. That was an awesome scene. Thanks for posting it.
    Be well, Joanne, and have a great week.

  2. Loved that movie, love Tom Hanks!!

    Have a wonderful week!


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