Today was Pajama day at our house. The kids and I hung out all day in our jammies and it was great. I mean that didn't mean that I did nothing all just meant that I did them in my comfy pjs. The kids watched all their favorite shows (DVR---the best invention since sliced bread) We watched old episodes of bewitched and Happy Days and even Laverne and Shirley. We read books and we even watched some old Muppet movie. We ate popcorn, chips and had hot chocolate. We stayed in and the kids were thrilled that we had no where we had to go to.; no errands to run and it seemed not a care in the world. Its days like this that remind you how utterly busy we are all other times.
"So we aren't going food shopping today?" My son asked
"We are not going out at all?
My 12-year-old who usually jumps at the chance to hang out with her friends simply told them
"No thanks, I'm just gonna hang out with my mom today."
Cute book I found about Pajama Day
By Lynn Plourde |
It was music to my ears. I spent ten minutes times 48 hanging out with my kids today and it was heaven.
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